Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Now to put it all Together

Now to put it all together, to scoping for SCSM total depends on a couple of things, one of which is to properly understand the requirements of the Client and the other would be understanding Information technology Service management (ITSM).

While you might be wandering what has ITSM got to do with System center Service manager, well if I didn’t state it initially, SCSM is an ITSM management solution used to manage people, technology and processes

So what is ITSM, this is “A set of specialized organizational capabilities for providing value to customers in the form of services”. These organizational capabilities are influenced by the needs and requirements of customers or users, the culture that exists within the service organization and the intangible nature of the output and intermediate products of IT service.

Once we get our client requirements right (though we know that most client only find out and unveil extra needs as the project go on), we then have to define the processes that would fit into these requirement now a proper comparison has to be done between the draft project scope (Client Requirement) and the Product scope (Functional specification of the solution) so as to properly fit the client needs with the solution

Processes can be defined as a structured set of coordinated activities designed to produce an outcome and provide value to customers or stakeholders. A process takes one or more inputs and through the activities performed turns them into defined outputs.

So when defining and designing processes, it is important to consider both the physical and behavioral aspects that exist. This may be addressed by ensuring the all required stakeholders (e.g. staff members, customers and users etc.) are appropriately involved in the design of processes so that:
• They can communicate their own ideas, concerns and opinions that might influence the way in which processes are designed, implemented and improved. Of particular importance may be current behaviors that have not been previously identified which may affect the process design and implementation.
• Stakeholder groups are provided adequate training and education regarding how to perform their role within the process and what value the process provides for.
• Stakeholders generally feel to be empowered in the change being developed, and therefore are more likely to respond positively rather than actively or passively resisting the organizational changes occurring.

Once the processes are all defined and agreed upon the rest is technical.